首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Artificial Intelligence IC-AI'2001 Vol.2, Jun 25-28, 2001, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA >Political Incoherence: an application of κ-uncolourable hypergraphs to the theory of democracy

Political Incoherence: an application of κ-uncolourable hypergraphs to the theory of democracy


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Preservationist paraconsistent logicians have demonstrated the, utility of κ-uncol-ourable hypergraphs when it comes to formalizing non-trivial but classical inference from inconsistent premise sets. Here it is shown how this application can be extended to the deontically dual political context in which elected officials form u-nified policies which putatively represent, incohe-sive interest groups. By exploiting the logical duals of κ-uncolourable hypergraphs. a non-statistical model for a democratic polling technique is designed whose aim is to preserve electoral representativeness through deliberative legislative processes of policy formation. Moreover, it is proven that the mathematical technology required to instantiate the polling technique exists, and would not be too dif-ficult to implement. In particular, it is shown to be a theorem that any κ > 1, any j > κ, "exist" H : H is a hypergraph, with x(H) = κ + 1, and any E ∈ H, the restriction of H to ∪H ― E has chromatic number κ ― 1.
机译:保守主义者的超一致逻辑学家已经证明了κ-uncol-ourable超图的实用性,它涉及从不一致的前提集中形式化非平凡而经典的推论。此处显示了如何将这种应用扩展到法定的双重政治环境,在这种政治环境中,民选官员形成了统一的政策,这些政策被推定代表了不团结的利益集团。通过利用κ无色超图的逻辑对偶。设计了一种用于民意测验的非统计模型,其目的是通过政策制定过程中的审议性立法程序来维护选举代表权。此外,已证明存在实例化轮询技术所需的数学技术,并且实施起来不会很困难。特别地,证明是一个定理,任何κ> 1,任何j>κ,“存在” H:H是一个超图,x(H)=κ+ 1,任何E∈H, H至∪H― E具有色数κ― 1。



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