
Robust Face Recognition from One Training Sample per Person


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This paper proposes a Gabor-based PCA method using Whiten Cosine Similarity Measure (WCSM) for Face Recognition from One training Sample per Person. Gabor wavelet representation of face images first derives desirable features, which is robust to the variations due to illumination, facial expression changes. PCA is then employed to reduce the dimensionality of the Gabor features. Whiten Cosine Similarity Measure is finally proposed for classification to integrate the virtues of the whiten translation and the cosine similarity measure. The effectiveness and robustness of the proposed method are successfully tested on CAS-PEAL dataset using one training sample per person, which contains 6609 frontal images of 1040 subjects. The performance enhancement power of the Gabor-based PCA feature and WCSM is shown in term of comparative performance against PCA feature, Mahalanobis distance and Euclidean distance. In particular, the proposed method achieves much higher accuracy than the standard Eigenface technique in our large-scale experiment.
机译:本文提出了一种基于Gabor的PCA方法,该方法使用Whites余弦相似度测度(WCSM)从每人一个训练样本中进行人脸识别。面部图像的Gabor小波表示首先得出所需的特征,该特征对于由于照明,面部表情变化而引起的变化具有鲁棒性。然后采用PCA来减小Gabor零件的尺寸。最终提出了“ Whiten余弦相似性度量”用于分类,以融合Whiten翻译和余弦相似性度量的优点。该方法的有效性和鲁棒性已在CAS-PEAL数据集上成功地通过每人一个训练样本进行了测试,其中包含10609名受试者的6609幅额叶图像。基于与PCA功能,马氏距离和欧几里得距离的比较性能显示了基于Gabor的PCA功能和WCSM的性能增强能力。特别是,在我们的大规模实验中,所提出的方法比标准的特征脸技术具有更高的精度。



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