首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Advances in Engineering Structures, Mechanics amp; Construction; 20060514-17; Waterloo(CA) >ANTIMICROBIAL TREATED CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS AND AIR FILTERS REDUCE FACILITY BIOBURDEN AND IMPROVE AIR QUALITY IN A HEALTHCARE ENVIRONMENT



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To the authors' knowledge, this study is the first of its kind involving a healthcare setting. The purpose was to see if the total bioburden or level of microorganisms present in a healthcare environment could be reduced through antimicrobial treatment of surfaces and the air. Since the building was new and contained two identical wings, each containing 12500 square feet (1157 m~2), it offered the authors a unique opportunity to conduct a controlled 'real world' study.rnThe treatment consisted of using the well known chlorine based antimicrobial agent triclosan, either through the application of existing products or by developing special purpose products. Physical components of the treated wing included permanent and moveable fixtures, medical instruments, furniture, walls, floors, ceilings and air filters. Included were telephones, computers, filing cabinets, sinks, counters, exam tables, doors and hardware etc. Each item in the treated wing had a corresponding control item on the untreated wing that was tested for comparison. A total of 45 items were selected in each wing for testing surface bioburden. There were 10 locations selected for air sampling on each of the two wings.rnThe results of the 18-month study showed an average of 40% reduction in colony forming units (cfu) for treated surfaces and a 58% reduction of air borne microorganisms. In the case of air sampling, it was interesting to find that the air quality in the treated wing consistently improved, while that of the untreated wing got progressively worse. The antimicrobial treatment enabled the wing to maintain the level of airborne bioburden to within 16% of that found in the microbiology lab.rnUnfortunately, this study cannot be used to determine what effect the triclosan-treated reusable air filters may have had on reducing the airborne bioburden within the treated wing since the triclosan-treated filters were installed at the same time as the other surfaces were treated. Although the authors realized this at the beginning of the study, there was insufficient time and resources to conduct a comparison of the effect of different treatment applications.rnDuring the study period both wings were used for the same type of outpatient care. This was important to the validity of the study, since dissimilar use functions could have affected the test results and negated a direct comparison. Also, since hospital employees conducted all building maintenance and antimicrobial treatment, strict supervision and proper implementation of specific protocols for cleaning and treating was made possible.rnThe study had to be terminated after the 18-month period, since after one year of occupancy, renovations and functional changes were being scheduled by management. These resulted in the wings being used for very different types of patient care. Also, to reduce operating costs, all maintenance for the building was contracted out and this prevented any further study to be conducted.rnWhat impact this type of environmental treatment could have on the reduction of nosocomial infections in more critical care facilities remains to be seen. The cost of environmental treatment would have to be determined and compared against any reductions in nosocomial infection rates. However, similar treatment approaches could be integrated into infection control activities and studied within a hospital setting. If nothing else, the building and the patient environment could be maintained in a 'cleaner' state of preparedness. Additional comparison of personnel absenteeism rates before and after treatment might also prove interesting, in light of the increasing evidence of the effects of 'sick building syndromes.'
机译:据作者所知,这项研究是涉及医疗保健领域的第一项研究。目的是查看是否可以通过对表面和空气进行抗菌处理来减少医疗环境中存在的总生物负荷或微生物水平。由于该建筑物是新的并包含两个相同的翼楼,每个翼楼面积均为12500平方英尺(1157 m〜2),因此为作者提供了进行受控的“现实世界”研究的独特机会。治疗包括使用众所周知的氯抗菌剂三氯生,可通过应用现有产品或开发特殊用途的产品来实现。经过处理的机翼的物理组件包括永久性和活动性固定装置,医疗器械,家具,墙壁,地板,天花板和空气过滤器。其中包括电话,计算机,文件柜,水槽,柜台,检查桌,门和硬件等。经过处理的机翼中的每个项目在未经处理的机翼上都有一个相应的控制项目,进行了比较测试。每个机翼总共选择了45个项目用于测试表面生物负荷。在两个机翼的每个机翼上选择了10个位置进行空气采样。18个月的研究结果表明,处理过的表面的菌落形成单位(cfu)平均减少了40%,空气传播的微生物减少了58%。在进行空气采样的情况下,有趣的是发现经过处理的机翼的空气质量一直得到改善,而未经处理的机翼的空气质量逐渐恶化。抗菌处理使机翼能够将空气中的生物负荷水平保持在微生物实验室所发现水平的16%以内。不幸的是,这项研究不能用于确定经三氯生处理过的可重复使用的空气过滤器对减少空气传播的影响由于三氯生处理过的过滤器是在处理其他表面的同时安装的,因此处理过的机翼内的生物负荷较高。尽管作者在研究开始时就意识到了这一点,但是没有足够的时间和资源来比较不同治疗应用的效果。在研究期间,两个侧翼用于相同类型的门诊护理。这对研究的有效性很重要,因为不同的使用功能可能会影响测试结果,并且无法进行直接比较。此外,由于医院员工进行了所有建筑物维护和抗菌处理,因此有可能进行严格的监督并适当执行特定的清洁和处理方案。rn由于居住,装修一年后,研究必须在18个月后终止。管理层正在安排功能变更。这些导致翼被用于非常不同类型的患者护理。另外,为了降低运营成本,将建筑物的所有维护工作外包出去,这阻止了进一步的研究。rn这种类型的环境处理对减少更重要的护理设施中医院感染的影响有待观察。必须确定环境治疗的成本,并将其与医院感染率的任何降低进行比较。但是,可以将类似的治疗方法整合到感染控制活动中,并在医院内进行研究。如果没有其他问题,建筑物和患者环境可以保持“清洁”的准备状态。鉴于越来越多的证据表明“病态建筑综合症”的影响,在治疗前后对人员缺勤率进行进一步比较可能也很有趣。



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