
Partizan Games in Isabelle/HOLZf

机译:Isabelle / HOLZf游击队游戏

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Partizan Games (PGs) were invented by John H. Conway and are described in his book On Numbers and Games. We formalize PGs in Higher Order Logic extended with ZF axioms (HOLZP) using Isabelle, a mechanical proof assistant. We show that PGs can be defined as the unique fixpoint of a function that arises naturally from Conway's original definition. While the construction of PGs in HOLZF relies heavily on the ZF axioms, operations on PGs are defined on a game type that hides its set theoretic origins. A polymorphic type of sets that are not bigger than ZF sets facilitates this. We formalize the induction principle that Conway uses throughout his proofs about games, and prove its correctness. For these purposes we examine how the notions of well-foundedness in HOL and ZF are related in HOLZF. Finally, games (modulo equality) are added to Isabelle's numeric types by showing that they are an instance of the axiomatic type class of partially ordered abelian groups.
机译:Partizan Games(PG)由John H. Conway发明,并在他的《数字与游戏》一书中进行了描述。我们使用机械校对助手Isabelle在带有ZF公理(HOLZP)扩展的高阶逻辑中对PG进行形式化。我们证明了PG可以定义为功能的唯一固定点,而该功能自然源于Conway的原始定义。虽然HOLZF中PG的构造在很大程度上依赖于ZF公理,但是PG的操作是根据隐藏其设定理论起源的游戏类型来定义的。不大于ZF集的多态类型集有助于实现这一点。我们对康威在他关于游戏的证明中使用的归纳法则进行形式化,并证明其正确性。为此,我们研究了HOL和ZF中的良好基础的概念在HOLZF中如何相关。最后,通过证明游戏(模数相等)是Isabelle数值类型的一部分,证明它们是部分有序阿贝尔群的公理类型类的实例。



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