
Towards the Verification of Hybrid Co-simulation Algorithms




Engineering modern systems is becoming increasingly difficult due to the heterogeneity between different subsystems. Modelling and simulation techniques have traditionally been used to tackle complexity, but with increasing heterogeneity of the subsystems, it becomes impossible to find appropriate modelling languages and tools to specify and analyse the system as a whole. Co-simulation is a technique to combine multiple models and their simulators in order to analyse the behaviour of the whole system over time. Past research, however, has shown that the naive combination of simulators can easily lead to incorrect simulation results, especially when co-simulating hybrid systems. This paper shows: (ⅰ) how co-simulation of a family of hybrid systems can fail to reproduce the order of events that should have occurred (event ordering); (ⅱ) how to prove that a co-simulation algorithm is correct (w.r.t. event ordering), and if it is incorrect, how to obtain a counterexample; and (ⅲ) how to correct an incorrect co-simulation algorithm. We apply the above method to two well known co-simulation algorithms used with the FMI Standard, and we show that one of them is incorrect for the family of hybrid systems under study, under the restrictions of the standard. The conclusion is that either the standard needs to be revised, or one of the algorithms should be avoided.
机译:由于不同子系统之间的异构性,现代工程系统的工程设计变得越来越困难。传统上已使用建模和仿真技术来解决复杂性,但是随着子系统的异质性增加,就不可能找到合适的建模语言和工具来指定和分析整个系统。协同仿真是一种组合多个模型及其仿真器的技术,目的是分析整个系统随时间的行为。但是,过去的研究表明,单纯的仿真器组合很容易导致错误的仿真结果,尤其是在对混合系统进行联合仿真时。本文表明:(ⅰ)混合系统族的协同仿真如何无法重现应该发生的事件的顺序(事件顺序); (ⅱ)如何证明协同仿真算法是正确的(事件事件排序),如果不正确,如何获得反例; (ⅲ)如何纠正不正确的联合仿真算法。我们将上述方法应用于与FMI标准一起使用的两种众所周知的协同仿真算法,并证明在标准的限制下,其中一种对于正在研究的混合动力系统是不正确的。结论是,要么需要修订标准,要么应避免使用其中一种算法。



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