首页> 外文会议>International conference on networks communications >Optimized CPU Frequency Scaling On Android Devices Based On Foreground Running Application

Optimized CPU Frequency Scaling On Android Devices Based On Foreground Running Application




When it comes to portable devices, battery life is a very crucial aspect. Battery life of a mobile device can be improved by several techniques. One such technique is the effective management of the operating voltage and frequency of the processor. Linux provides a utility, named cpufreq, to dynamically scale CPU frequency on the fly. Since Android operating system is based on Linux, the cpufreq utility can be used to scale the CPU frequency of the portable devices. To decide when and how much frequency should be scaled, cpufreq governors are used. This paper proposes the basis for a new cpufreq governor called appspace, to improve battery life by considering not only instantaneous CPU usage, but also foreground running application on the device.
机译:对于便携式设备,电池寿命是至关重要的方面。可以通过多种技术来改善移动设备的电池寿命。一种这样的技术是对处理器的工作电压和频率的有效管理。 Linux提供了一个名为cpufreq的实用程序,可以动态地动态扩展CPU频率。由于Android操作系统基于Linux,因此可以使用cpufreq实用程序来扩展便携式设备的CPU频率。为了确定何时以及应缩放多少频率,使用了cpufreq调速器。本文提出了一种新的名为appspace的cpufreq调速器的基础,该调速器不仅考虑了瞬时CPU使用率,还考虑了设备上的前台运行应用程序,从而延长了电池寿命。



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