
Verifiable Image Secret Sharing with Cheater Identification




number of participants must come together to reveal the secret. Usually, in secret sharing it is assumed that the dealer who performs secret splitting and distribution and participants who receives the secret shares are honest. They will not do any misbehaviour or cheating. But in real world, it may possible that dealer and participants will cheat. Dealer may submit wrong share to participant or participant may submit wrong share at the time of reconstruction. So there is need of verifiable secret sharing and cheater identification. In our proposed work, we have presented new approach for verification and cheater identification for image secret sharing. It is a generalized scheme which can be applicable to any image secret sharing scheme. Experimentation is done for four different secret sharing schemes. Experimentation result shows that proposed approach works well for verification and cheater identification of image secret sharing. Individual shares are of no use on their own. In secret sharing scheme there are one dealer and



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