首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Human-Omputer Interaction;International Conference on Cross-Cultural Design >Parallel Orientation Assistant, a Vehicle System Based on Voice Interaction and Multi-screen Interaction

Parallel Orientation Assistant, a Vehicle System Based on Voice Interaction and Multi-screen Interaction




With the development of smart transportation, more and more private cars become the carrier of People's Daily travel. While the information interaction technology advances, automobile driving is also more and more multi-screen oriented, while the study of the interaction pattern between the driver and the co-pilot in the car is often ignored. Under the people-oriented and interactive design concept, a multi-screen interactive vehicle interaction model based on vehicle center, mobile phone, and in-car head-up display navigation is designed. In order to verify the design, the prototype test was carried out in the simulated city self-driving tour. Under the driver's simulated driving task, the two subjects communicated with each other on the topic we designed before. The interactive feedback information of the subjects was collected simultaneously through qualitative and quantitative (reaction delay experimental data of the main driving task). Starting from the user experience aspect, this paper discusses whether the information interface based on multi-screen interaction and voice interaction can enhance the information output of the car without increasing the cognitive load of the driver. Through two kinds of mode user feedback different characteristics for tasks, trying to construct a more natural way to strengthen the pilot and the co-pilot interaction, improve the efficiency of driving, building multi-driving tasks switching model. Finally, based on the above information, the design iterative references of future vehicle assistant in artificial intelligence (AI), natural language understanding (NLU) and human-machine interaction interface (HMI) are summarized, so as to better experience for users.



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