
ISDE 2014 PC Co-Chairs Message

机译:ISDE 2014 PC联合主席致辞



Information System in Distributed Environment (ISDE) is becoming a prominent standard in this globalization era due to advancement in information and communication technologies. In distributed environments, business units collaborate across time zones, organizational boundaries, work cultures and geographical distances, to an increasing diversification and growing complexity of cooperation among units. The advent of the Internet has supported Distributed Software Development (DSD) by introducing new concepts and opportunities, resulting in benefits such as scalability, flexibility, interdependence, reduced cost, resource pools, and usage tracking. DSD brings challenges to distributed software development activities due to geographic, cultural, linguistic, and temporal distance among project development teams. The number of organizations distributing their software development processes worldwide to attain increased profit and productivity as well as cost reduction and quality improvement is growing. Despite the fact that DSD is widely being used, the project managers and software professionals face many challenges due to increased complexity, cultural as well as various technological issues. Therefore, it is crucial to understand current research and practices with researchers and practitioners in these areas. Following selected papers of ISDE 2014 international workshop in conjunction with OTM conferences present recent advances and novel proposals in this direction.
机译:由于信息和通信技术的进步,分布式环境中的信息系统(ISDE)在这个全球化时代正成为一个突出的标准。在分布式环境中,业务部门跨时区,组织边界,工作文化和地理距离进行协作,以实现部门之间日益多样化和协作的复杂性。 Internet的出现通过引入新的概念和机会来支持分布式软件开发(DSD),从而带来了诸如可伸缩性,灵活性,相互依赖性,降低的成本,资源池和使用情况跟踪之类的好处。由于项目开发团队之间的地理,文化,语言和时间距离,DSD给分布式软件开发活动带来了挑战。为了实现更高的利润和生产力以及降低成本和提高质量而在全球范围内分布其软件开发流程的组织数量正在不断增长。尽管DSD被广泛使用,但是由于复杂性,文化和各种技术问题的增加,项目经理和软件专业人员仍面临许多挑战。因此,与这些领域的研究人员和从业人员了解当前的研究和实践至关重要。以下是ISDE 2014国际研讨会的精选论文,以及OTM会议,展示了该方向的最新进展和新颖的建议。


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