
Traversing the Linking Open Data Cloud to Create News from Tweets




We propose a two-fold approach that is able to both consume and exploit semantics encoded in the Linking Open Data (LOD) cloud, and create news that document events reported in micro-blogging posts that correspond to documentary tweets. A documentary tweet is similar to a newspaper headline and reports an incident or event. Knowledge extracted from documentary tweets are used to develop a story line which will be augmented with RDF facts consumed from the LOD cloud. The resulting news content is represented in RDF using the rNews Ontology, facilitating news generation and retrieval. We study effectiveness of our approach with respect to a gold standard of manually tagged tweets. Initial experimental results suggest that our techniques are able to generate content that reflects up to 76.38% of the manually tagged terms.
机译:我们提出了一种双重方法,该方法既可以使用和利用链接开放数据(LOD)云中编码的语义,又可以创建新闻来记录与相应文档鸣叫相对应的微博帖子中记录的事件。纪录片推文类似于报纸的标题,并报告事件或事件。从纪录片推文中提取的知识用于建立故事情节,并将其与从LOD云中使用的RDF事实相结合。所生成的新闻内容使用rNews Ontology在RDF中表示,从而有助于新闻的生成和检索。我们针对手动标记的推文的黄金标准研究了我们方法的有效性。初步的实验结果表明,我们的技术能够生成反映高达76.38%的手动标记术语的内容。


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