
MCG measurement in normal subject and patient using a high-te SQUID




The magnetic field produced by electromotive forces of the heart, which is mostly recorded on the anterior chest wall, is called Magnetocardiogram (MCG). The mapping of the MCG is one of methods for studying the source localization of activities. Since MCG was first measured by Baule and McEee[1], the MCG has been studied worldwide. In partcular, it is known that Cohen and his coworkers measured the MCG by use of a SQUID inside a magnetically shielded room [2]. Severla studies have been reported on non-invasive MCG localization of the ventricular pre-excitation site in the PWP syndrome [3-5]. However, MCG had not been widely used because the method for obtaining an MCG is very cumbersome and the liquid helium coolant is very expensive. For these reasons, High-Te SQUID has been receiving attention as a diagnostic technique for observing the electrical activities of the heart.
机译:由心脏电动势产生的磁场(通常记录在胸前壁上)称为心磁图(MCG)。 MCG的映射是研究活动源定位的方法之一。自从Baule和McEee [1]首次对MCG进行测量以来,MCG已经在世界范围内进行了研究。特别是,众所周知,Cohen和他的同事们在磁屏蔽室内使用SQUID测量了MCG [2]。据报道,在PWP综合征中,无创MCG对心室预激部位的MCG定位[3-5]。然而,由于获得MCG的方法非常麻烦并且液氦冷却剂非常昂贵,因此MCG尚未得到广泛使用。由于这些原因,High-Te SQUID作为一种观察心脏电活动的诊断技术已受到关注。



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