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Meteorite collection and ice samples from the Pecora Escarpment, Antarctica


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In January 2002 the Planetary Studies Foundation returned to Antarctica to conduct a systematic search for meteorites on the blue ice fields near the Pecora Escarpment. The Pecora Escarpment area was previously searched by two National Science Foundation (NSF) teams that collectively recovered 526 meteorites. The two primary goals of the PSF Antarctica 2002 expedition were to determine if a significant number of meteorites could be found in a previously searched area, and to collect ice core samples to determine the presence or absence of microbial life. Several days' fieldwork resulted in the recovery of 33 meteorites, which included one stony-iron, two achondrites, an enstatite chondrite, and the collection of numerous ice samples. One particularly intriguing question that needed to be answered concerned the possibility that microbial life present in the ice may contaminate the meteorites. Antarctica was once considered to be a pristine environment with little or no biological contamination. This concept was particularly significant to the study of carbonaceous chondrites in order to insure that the organic compounds present in the meteorite were truly extraterrestrial in origin and not a product of terrestrial contamination. The preliminary results of this study indicated that microbial life was present in every ice sample.
机译:2002年1月,行星研究基金会返回南极,对Pecora悬崖附近的蓝色冰原进行了系统的陨石搜索。此前,美国国家科学基金会(NSF)的两个研究小组对Pecora悬崖地区进行了搜查,该小组共回收了526颗陨石。 PSF南极洲2002探险队的两个主要目标是确定在先前搜寻过的区域是否可以找到大量的陨石,并收集冰芯样本以确定是否存在微生物。经过几天的实地考察,发现了33颗陨石,其中包括一颗铁石,两块软晶石,一个顽辉长晶陨石以及大量冰样品的收集。需要回答的一个特别有趣的问题涉及冰中存在的微生物生命可能污染陨石的可能性。南极曾经被认为是原始环境,几乎没有或没有生物污染。这个概念对研究碳质球粒陨石特别重要,以确保存在于陨石中的有机化合物真正起源于外星,而不是地球污染的产物。这项研究的初步结果表明,每个冰样中都存在微生物生命。



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