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STORM_(TM)- sounding and tracking observatory for regional meteorology to launch in 2016


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Ultra-spectral sounders (USS) in low earth orbit have significantly improved weather forecast accuracy in recent years, and their impact could be significantly improved with reduced revisit times. The GeoMetWatch, Inc. Sounding and Tracking Observatory for Regional Meteorology (stormtm) program is designed to place a constellation of six USS units in spaced geostationary (GEO) positions around the earth. From GEO, the repeat time for a specific weather feature can be reduced to minutes, and the vertical temperature, water vapor and wind profiles can provide detailed warnings not available by any other means. The STORMtm sensor, a derivative of the Geosynchronous Imaging Fourier Transform Spectrometer (GIFTS) EDU that was designed and built for NASA by Utah State University (USU) and rigorously tested in 2006, will be launched on a commercial geostationary satellite in late 2016. It combines advanced technologies to provide improved performance and reliability over the original EDU. From GEO the USS can observe surface thermal properties and atmospheric weather and chemistry variables in four dimensions. This paper provides an overview of the STORMtm instrument and the measurement concept. STORM_(TM)'s USS will provide data of the same quality as the current LEO satellite sounders (AIRS, CrIS, and IASI) but with the ability to track storm development with soundings and images at any desired rate. Wind profiles obtained from a time sequence of STORMtm water vapor retrieval images will provide additional input to now casting and regional models.
机译:近年来,低地球轨道上的超光谱测深仪(USS)大大提高了天气预报的准确性,并且通过减少重访时间可以显着改善其影响。 GeoMetWatch,Inc.区域气象探测和跟踪天文台(stormtm)计划旨在将六个USS单位的星座放置在地球上隔开的对地静止(GEO)位置。通过GEO,可以将特定天气特征的重复时间减少到数分钟,并且垂直温度,水蒸气和风廓线可以提供任何其他方式都无法提供的详细警告。 STORMtm传感器是地球同步成像傅里叶变换光谱仪(GIFTS)EDU的衍生产品,该传感器是由犹他州立大学(USU)为NASA设计和制造的,并于2006年经过严格测试,将于2016年底在商业对地静止卫星上发射。结合了先进的技术,以提供比原始EDU更高的性能和可靠性。 USS可以从GEO观测到四个维度的表面热性质,大气天气和化学变量。本文概述了STORMtm仪器和测量概念。 STORM_(TM)的USS将提供与当前LEO卫星探测仪(AIRS,CrIS和IASI)相同质量的数据,但是能够以任何期望的速率跟踪探测到的风暴发展情况。从STORMtm水汽取回图像的时间序列获得的风廓线将为现在的铸造和区域模型提供额外的输入。



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