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Security Data Extraction from IEC 61850 ACSI Models for Network and System Management

机译:从用于网络和系统管理的IEC 61850 ACSI模型中提取安全数据

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The international standard IEC 62351 proposed the format of abstract data object for secure smart grid controls which is named as Network and System Management (NSM). It is devised to respond not only deliberate attacks such as cyber hacking and sabotage, but also inadvertent actions, such as operator carelessness and equipment failure. And it consists of three main parts, communication health, end system health, and intrusion detection, respectively However, the description of the abstract data object in the standard is so obscure that it is not enough to implement a complete system. Furthermore, to interact between devices and gather information for NSM in power systems, additional network protocols and devices (e.g. SNMP, IDS) should be needed, which makes the implementation more difficult. Nevertheless, mapping of three parts of NSM into detailed structure is indispensable for designing secure smart grid controls. This paper presents efficient NSM attributes extraction from data objects and logical nodes defined in IEC 61850 part 7-3 and 7-4, respectively by using Abstract Communication Service Interface (ACSI) in part 7-2. The proposed method extracts 21% of NSM from conventional protocol (IEC 61850) without any other network protocol or devices attachment. The 2nd edition was referenced for data extraction in IEC 61850 part 7-2 to 7-4.
机译:国际标准IEC 62351提出了用于安全智能电网控制的抽象数据对象格式,称为网络和系统管理(NSM)。它被设计为不仅响应诸如网络黑客和破坏等故意攻击,而且还响应诸如操作员的粗心大意和设备故障之类的疏忽行为。它由三个主要部分组成,分别是通信健康,终端系统健康和入侵检测。但是,标准中对抽象数据对象的描述过于晦涩,以至于不足以实现一个完整的系统。此外,为了在设备之间进行交互并为电力系统中的NSM收集信息,应该需要附加的网络协议和设备(例如SNMP,IDS),这使实现更加困难。然而,将NSM的三个部分映射到详细结构对于设计安全的智能电网控件是必不可少的。本文介绍了通过使用第7-2部分中的抽象通信服务接口(ACSI)分别从IEC 61850第7-3和7-4部分中定义的数据对象和逻辑节点中高效提取NSM属性的方法。所提出的方法无需任何其他网络协议或设备附件即可从常规协议(IEC 61850)提取21%的NSM。 IEC 61850第7-2至7-4部分引用了第二版进行数据提取。



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