首页> 外文会议>Information Reuse and Integration, 2007 IEEE International Conference on >A Design Pattern for Integration of Business Process Management Systems

A Design Pattern for Integration of Business Process Management Systems


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A cross-domain workflow application may be constructed using a standard reference model such as the one by the Workflow Management Coalition (WfMC) [7] but the requirements for this type of application are inherently different from one organization to another. The existing models and systems built around them meet some but not all the requirements from all the organizations involved in a collaborative process. Furthermore the requirements change over time. This makes the applications difficult to develop and distribute. Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) based approaches such as the BPEL (Business Process Execution Language) intend to provide a solution but fail to address the problems sufficiently, especially in the situations where the expectations and level of skills of the users (e.g. the participants of the processes) in different organisations are likely to be different. In this paper, we discuss a design pattern that provides a novel approach towards a solution. In the solution, business users can design the applications at a high level of abstraction: the use cases and user interactions; the designs are documented and used, together with the data and events captured later that represents the user interactions with the systems, to feed an intermediate component local to the users - the IFM (InterFace Mapper) - which bridges the gaps between the users and the systems. We discuss the main issues faced in the design and prototyping. The approach alleviates the need for re-programming with the APIs to any back-end service thus easing the development and distribution of the applications.
机译:跨域工作流应用程序可以使用标准参考模型(例如由工作流管理联盟(WfMC)[7]构建的参考模型)来构造,但是这种类型的应用程序的要求本质上在一个组织与另一个组织之间不同。围绕它们构建的现有模型和系统可以满足参与协作过程的所有组织的一些但不是全部要求。此外,需求会随着时间而变化。这使应用程序难以开发和分发。诸如BPEL(业务流程执行语言)之类的基于面向服务架构(SOA)的方法旨在提供解决方案,但未能充分解决问题,尤其是在用户(例如,参与者的期望和技能水平)的情况下流程)在不同的组织中可能会有所不同。在本文中,我们讨论一种设计模式,该模式提供了一种新颖的解决方案。在该解决方案中,业务用户可以高度抽象地设计应用程序:用例和用户交互;设计记录在案,并与以后捕获的代表用户与系统交互的数据和事件一起使用,以提供用户本地的中间组件-IFM(InterFace Mapper),它弥合了用户与用户之间的鸿沟。系统。我们讨论设计和原型设计中面临的主要问题。该方法减轻了使用API​​对任何后端服务进行重新编程的需求,从而简化了应用程序的开发和分发。



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