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Patchworks of Logistics Management Information Systems: Challenges or Solutions for Developing Countries?


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Uninterrupted supply of health commodities is a prerequisite for a well-functioning healthcare system. Establishing and maintaining effective supply chains is at the same time challenging in developing countries. A key part of this chain and the focus of this paper are the information systems supporting the communication and distribution of commodities between national warehouses and health facilities. Such systems supporting storage, transportation, wastage reduction, forecasting, planning and avoiding commodity stock-outs are invariably called Logistics Management Information Systems (LMIS). However, the blurred boundaries between the various parts of the supply chain and the numerous information systems involved is reflected in the lack of a clear definition of LMIS. The main aim of this paper is to provide a better understanding of what an LMIS is, and how it interacts with other information systems. By presenting two case studies, from Tanzania and Uganda, we show that the landscape of LMIS consists of a patchwork of information systems, which often have tighter coupling with systems of other domains (such as patient management) than with the supply chain. This leads us to ask the following research question; what are appropriate information systems architectures for LMIS? Our response, main argument and contribution is that the nature of these supply chains favours the emergence of several independent information systems. This is particularly due to the variation in resources and capacities on the different levels of the health system and thus the supply chain. Interoperability between the different levels and other related information systems should then be considered, necessitating a scrutinous evaluation of what data needs to be shared with whom.
机译:健康商品的不间断供应是运作良好的医疗体系的先决条件。同时,在发展中国家,建立和维护有效的供应链也面临挑战。该链的关键部分和本文的重点是支持国家仓库与医疗机构之间商品通讯和分配的信息系统。这种支持存储,运输,减少浪费,预测,计划和避免商品缺货的系统始终被称为物流管理信息系统(LMIS)。但是,供应链各部分与所涉及的众多信息系统之间的界限模糊,反映出对LMIS缺乏清晰的定义。本文的主要目的是更好地理解LMIS是什么,以及它如何与其他信息系统交互。通过介绍来自坦桑尼亚和乌干达的两个案例研究,我们表明,LMIS的格局由信息系统的拼凑组成,这些信息系统通常与其他领域(例如患者管理)的系统比与供应链的耦合更紧密。这导致我们提出以下研究问题; LMIS合适的信息系统架构是什么?我们的回应,主要论据和贡献在于,这些供应链的性质有利于几个独立信息系统的出现。这尤其是由于卫生系统以及供应链不同层面的资源和能力的差异。然后应考虑不同级别与其他相关信息系统之间的互操作性,从而需要仔细评估需要与谁共享哪些数据。



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