首页> 外文会议>INCOSE 2009 symposium: East meets west: the human dimension to systems engineering >Business meets Systems Engineering: Facing andHandling Collaboration Challenges in RequirementsAnalysis

Business meets Systems Engineering: Facing andHandling Collaboration Challenges in RequirementsAnalysis


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Traditional requirements analysis models focused on system- and user interactions.rnWhereas, much effort – in particular industrial – is devoted to the logical breakdown, management,rndissemination and proof on the level of implementation of requirements without being stronglyrnconnected to the organization and its business intents. Recent works focus on “front-endrnnegotiations”, I.e. Early requirements analysis activities concerned with reconciling businessrnproblems, opportunities and high-level product/system requirements. Literature shows thatrncommunication and coordination is challenging in conjunction with the visualization andrnrepresentation of knowledge in a cross-community/domain constellation of Business and ProductrnDevelopment (PD) teams concerned with early requirements analysis. In this context, we presentrnour research results (within an empirical context) with emphasis on establishing interactivityrnstructures and creating group-awareness at the interface of Business and Systems Engineeringrn(BSE). Our work articulates a knowledge-driven concept that anchors a value-orientedrnorganization of intentional structures (I.e. Business needs and expectations) and traces tornengineering definitions (in our case with a focus on product/systemrequirements). In addition, thisrnconcept serves the organization, representation and deployment of BSE knowledge illustratingrnhow to perform valuation and verification of intentional structures implemented in forms ofrnspecified product/system requirements.



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