
Managing Bandwidth in Multimedia Applications Using a Market-Based Middleware


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This paper presents an application-layer middleware that applies a microeconomic model to help multimedia applications utilize available bandwidth in a way that maximizes the user's net benefit. The key components are a bandwidth broker that puts the supply of available bandwidth on a virtual market residing inside the application, and utility functions for each media, which are used to calculate their relative gain to the user at each bandwidth level. Basic supply and demand principles are used where the broker raises a virtual price if the total demand from all media exceeds the available supply, or lowers the price if demand is lower than the available supply. The advantage of the middleware is that it allows problems related to network management (usually affecting the supply) and human computer interaction (usually affecting demand) to be researched and integrated separately into an application and combined to leverage bandwidth in the best possible way. As a proof of concept, a prototype has been built by integrating the middleware into Marratech Pro, a commercially available e-meeting application. The paper presents experimental results using this prototype.
机译:本文提出了一种应用层中间件,该中间件应用微观经济模型来帮助多媒体应用以最大程度地提高用户的净收益的方式利用可用带宽。关键组件是一个带宽代理,它将可用带宽的供应放在应用程序内部的虚拟市场上,以及每种媒体的实用程序功能,用于计算它们在每个带宽级别上对用户的相对增益。如果所有媒体的总需求超过可用供应量,则经纪人提高虚拟价格,或者如果需求低于可用供应量,则降低价格,则使用基本供需原则。中间件的优势在于,它可以研究与网络管理(通常会影响供应)和人机交互(通常会影响需求)相关的问题,并将其分别集成到应用程序中,并以最佳方式组合利用带宽。作为概念验证,已通过将中间件集成到市售的电子会议应用程序Marratech Pro中来构建原型。本文介绍了使用该原型的实验结果。



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