
Trends of Flat Displays in the Multimedia Age


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Today, in a multimedia age, electronic displays are the essential key devices involved in the relation between multimedia equipment and human beings. Flat panel displays are overcoming the restrictions of traditional CRTs (Cathode Ray Tubes) regarding portability and large screen capability, and they are ready to expand their multimedia application fields. TFT-LCDs (Thin Film Transistor-Liquid Crystal Displays) in particular have advantages such as light weight, low profile, low power consumption, and motion picture display, and importantly contribute the development of multimedia. The color PDP (Plasma Disaplay Panel) features emissive display, a large screen, and a low profile, and mass production aimed at implementing space-saving, and wall-hung HDTV (High Definition Television) is about to be started. Since further development of multimedia is expected in the twenty-first century, the scale of this market is immeasurable. At the same time, the flat panel display market will also expand. Wide variety of flat panel displays will gai nwider use as they secure their respective markets through their particular advantages.
机译:如今,在多媒体时代,电子显示器已成为多媒体设备与人类之间关系中必不可少的关键设备。平板显示器克服了传统CRT(阴极射线管)在便携性和大屏幕功能方面的限制,它们准备扩展其多媒体应用领域。 TFT-LCD(薄膜晶体管液晶显示器)尤其具有诸如重量轻,外形小,功耗低和电影显示等优点,并且对多媒体的发展做出了重要贡献。彩色PDP(等离子显示器面板)具有发光显示,大屏幕和低轮廓的特点,旨在实现节省空间的大规模生产,壁挂式HDTV(高清电视)即将开始。由于多媒体有望在二十世纪得到进一步发展,因此这个市场的规模是无法估量的。同时,平板显示器市场也将扩大。凭借其独特的优势来确保各自的市场,各种各样的平板显示器将得到广泛的应用。



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