
Towads a calculus of distributed resources and scopes


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In this paper, we present a small language for distributed computation with agent mobility, Scope calculus. The language is different from most existing works on distributed and mobile computation, which usually take some variants of pi-calculus as their basis. The core of Scope calculus is a specially designed concurrent lambda-like calculus with resources. It enables Scope calculus to directly model memory-like resources, instead of indirectly using process/channel as in pi-calculus. Furthermore, Scope calculus gives a novel treatment to the notion of location, which is called Scope here. Scope and memory-like resources combined make Scope and memory-like resources combined make Scope calculus complementary to most other works, and provide an alternative approach to modeling distributed and mobile systems, which features the simplicity of implementation and the affinity with the programming model inherent in realistic language such as Obliq and Telescript.



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