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Predicting Developers' IDE Commands with Machine Learning




When a developer is writing code they are usually focused and in a state-of-mind which some refer to as flow. Breaking out of this flow can cause the developer to lose their train of thought and have to start their thought process from the beginning. This loss of thought can be caused by interruptions and sometimes slow IDE interactions. Predictive functionality has been harnessed in user applications to speed up load times, such as in Google Chrome's browser which has a feature called 'Predicting Network Actions'. This will pre-load web-pages that the user is most likely to click through. This mitigates the interruption that load times can introduce. In this paper we seek to make the first step towards predicting user commands in the IDE. Using the MSR 2018 Challenge Data of over 3000 developer session and over 10 million recorded events, we analyze and cleanse the data to be parsed into event series, which can then be used to train a variety of machine learning models, including a neural network, to predict user induced commands. Our highest performing model is able to obtain a 5 cross-fold validation prediction accuracy of 64%.
机译:当开发人员编写代码时,他们通常会集中精力并保持一种状态,有些人将其称为流程。中断这种流程可能会导致开发人员迷失思路,必须从头开始。这种思想上的损失可能是由于中断,有时是缓慢的IDE交互导致的。预测功能已在用户应用程序中加以利用,以加快加载时间,例如在Google Chrome浏览器中,该功能具有“预测网络操作”功能。这将预加载用户最有可能点击的网页。这样可以减轻加载时间可能带来的干扰。在本文中,我们试图迈出在IDE中预测用户命令的第一步。使用超过3000个开发者会话的MSR 2018挑战数据和记录的1000万个事件,我们分析并清理了要解析为事件系列的数据,然后可以将其用于训练各种机器学习模型,包括神经网络,预测用户诱发的命令。我们性能最高的模型能够获得64%的5倍交叉验证预测准确性。



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