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What are Your Programming Language's Energy-Delay Implications?




Motivation: Even though many studies examine the energy efficiency of hardware and embedded systems, those that investigate the energy consumption of software applications are still limited, and mostly focused on mobile applications. As modern applications become even more complex and heterogeneous a need arises for methods that can accurately assess their energy consumption. Goal: Measure the energy consumption and run-time performance of commonly used programming tasks implemented in different programming languages and executed on a variety of platforms to help developers to choose appropriate implementation platforms. Method: Obtain measurements to calculate the Energy Delay Prod- uct, a weighted function that takes into account a task's energy consumption and run-time performance. We perform our tests by calculating the Energy Delay Product of 25 programming tasks, found in the Rosetta Code Repository, which are implemented in 14 programming languages and run on three different computer platforms, a server, a laptop, and an embedded system. Results: Compiled programming languages are outperforming the interpreted ones for most, but not for all tasks. C, C#, and JavaScript are on average the best performing compiled, semi-compiled, and interpreted programming languages for the Energy Delay Product, and Rust appears to be well-placed for i/o-intensive operations, such as file handling. We also find that a good behaviour, energy- wise, can be the result of clever optimizations and design choices in seemingly unexpected programming languages.
机译:动机:尽管许多研究都研究了硬件和嵌入式系统的能效,但那些研究软件应用程序能耗的研究仍然有限,并且主要集中在移动应用程序上。随着现代应用变得越来越复杂和异构,人们需要一种能够准确评估其能耗的方法。目标:测量以各种编程语言实现并在各种平台上执行的常用编程任务的能耗和运行时性能,以帮助开发人员选择合适的实现平台。方法:获取测量值以计算能量延迟产品,这是一个加权函数,考虑了任务的能耗和运行时性能。我们通过计算Rosetta代码存储库中的25种编程任务的能量延迟乘积来执行测试,这些任务以14种编程语言实现,并在三种不同的计算机平台,服务器,便携式计算机和嵌入式系统上运行。结果:在大多数情况下,编译后的编程语言的性能要优于解释后的编程语言,但并非对所有任务都好。 C,C#和JavaScript平均而言是Energy Delay Product性能最好的已编译,半编译和解释程序语言,Rust在进行I / O密集型操作(如文件处理)时似乎位置合适。我们还发现,在看似出乎意料的编程语言中,明智的优化和设计选择可能是明智的行为。



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