
Characterising Deprecated Android APIs

机译:表征过时的Android API



Because of functionality evolution, or security and performance-related changes, some APIs eventually become unnecessary in a software system and thus need to be cleaned to ensure proper maintainability. Those APIs are typically marked first as deprecated APIs and, as recommended, follow through a deprecated-replace-remove cycle, giving an opportunity to client application developers to smoothly adapt their code in next updates. Such a mechanism is adopted in the Android framework development where thousands of reusable APIs are made available to Android app developers. In this work, we present a research-based prototype tool called CDA and apply it to different revisions (i.e., releases or tags) of the Android framework code for characterising deprecated APIs. Based on the data mined by CDA, we then perform an exploratory study on API deprecation in the Android ecosystem and the associated challenges for maintaining quality apps. In particular, we investigate the prevalence of deprecated APIs, their annotations and documentation, their removal and consequences, their replacement messages, as well as developer reactions to API deprecation. Experimental results reveal several findings that further provide promising insights for future research directions related to deprecated Android APIs. Notably, by mining the source code of the Android framework base, we have identified three bugs related to deprecated APIs. These bugs have been quickly assigned and positively appreciated by the framework maintainers, who claim that these issues will be updated in future releases.
机译:由于功能的发展,或与安全性和性能相关的更改,某些API最终在软件系统中变得不必要,因此需要清理以确保适当的可维护性。这些API通常首先被标记为不赞成使用的API,并根据建议进行不推荐使用的替换-删除-删除周期,从而为客户端应用程序开发人员提供了在以后的更新中顺利调整其代码的机会。在Android框架开发中采用了这种机制,为Android应用程序开发人员提供了数千种可重复使用的API。在这项工作中,我们提出了一个基于研究的原型工具CDA,并将其应用于Android框架代码的不同修订版(即发行版或标签),以表征过时的API。然后,根据CDA收集的数据,我们对Android生态系统中的API弃用以及维护优质应用程序的相关挑战进行了探索性研究。特别是,我们调查了不赞成使用的API的普遍性,它们的注释和文档,它们的删除和后果,它们的替换消息以及开发人员对API弃用的反应。实验结果揭示了一些发现,这些发现进一步为与过时的Android API相关的未来研究方向提供了有前途的见解。值得注意的是,通过挖掘Android框架基础的源代码,我们确定了三个与过时的API相关的错误。这些错误已得到迅速分配,并得到框架维护者的肯定,他们称这些问题将在以后的版本中进行更新。



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