
Mood-Aware Music Recommendation via Adaptive Song Embedding




In this paper, we propose an autonomous and adaptive recommendation system that relies on the user's mood and implicit feedback to recommend songs without any prior knowledge about the user preferences. Our method builds autonomously a latent factor model from the available online data of many users (generic song map per mood) based on the associations extracted between user, song, user mood and song emotion. It uses a combination of the Reinforcement Learning (RL) framework and Page-Hinkley (PH) test to personalize the general song map for each mood according to user implicit reward. We conduct a series of tests using LiveJournal two-million (LJ2M) dataset to show the effect of mood in music recommendation and how the proposed solution can improve the performance of music recommendation over time compared to other conventional solutions in terms of hit rate and Fl score.
机译:在本文中,我们提出了一种自主且自适应的推荐系统,该系统依靠用户的心情和隐式反馈来推荐歌曲,而无需任何有关用户偏好的先验知识。我们的方法基于在用户,歌曲,用户情绪和歌曲情感之间提取的关联,根据许多用户的可用在线数据(每个情绪的通用歌曲映射)自动构建潜在因素模型。它结合了强化学习(RL)框架和Page-Hinkley(PH)测试,可以根据用户的隐式奖励个性化每种心情的常规歌曲映射。我们使用LiveJournal 200万(LJ2M)数据集进行了一系列测试,以显示情绪对音乐推荐的影响,以及与其他传统解决方案相比,在点击率和Fl方面,所提出的解决方案如何随时间改善音乐推荐的性能。得分了。



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