首页> 外文会议>IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence for Security and Defense Applications (CISDA 2009) >Integrating reasoning with personality effects in simulated operators

Integrating reasoning with personality effects in simulated operators




Human behaviour representation (HBR) is playing a significant role in Computer-Generated Forces (CGFs). However, current HBR lacks realistic and human-like characteristics, and many domain experts think that integrating personality and individual differences into existing simulation tools in CGFs is able to improve HBR. This article describes an approach to represent reasoning with personality effects in variable cognitive processes in CGFs. By combining the Integrated Performance Modelling Environment (IPME), the proposed representation provides a high level reasoning tool for human behaviour modelling. This approach deals with deterministic and uncertainty reasoning with influence of personality and supports user-defined personality models in simulated military operators. This research shows the possibility to integrate the reasoning with personality effects into performance simulation engines in CGFs for improving current HBR.



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