首页> 外文会议>IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering;IEEE Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Europe >Assessment of Static Stability of Power System of the Baltic States in View of the Planned Synchronization with Networks of Western Europe to 2030

Assessment of Static Stability of Power System of the Baltic States in View of the Planned Synchronization with Networks of Western Europe to 2030




In the view of the forecasts of the planned economic increase of the Baltic States, consideration is to be given to options for the further development of energy and, first of all, electric power industry. The formation of the right directions for the development of power industry can be carried out on the basis of detailed studies of stationary and transitional modes of the electric power system, including static stability. At the same time, the complex of factors, structure and possible state of the electric power system must be taken into account. The starting point is the set requirements for the power system and, accordingly, for equipment and control systems. This research dedicated to the assessment of the planned measures synchronization of electricity networks of the Baltic States with Western Europe (UCTE), as well as the integration of large-scale wind farm in the Baltic power system (EPS), in the view of sustainability.



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