首页> 外文会议>IEEE Holm Conference on Electrical Contacts;International Conference on Electrical Contacts >Influence of Magnetic Flex Density on “Magnetic Blow-out” of Direct Current High Voltage Arc

Influence of Magnetic Flex Density on “Magnetic Blow-out” of Direct Current High Voltage Arc




The use of make-and-break DC power supply circuits is rapidly increasing for applications such as solar power generation and electric vehicles (EV). However, within the circuits, it is difficult to extinguish the arc generated when the electrical contact is open. One solution is to use the so-called 'magnetic blow-out' method, which relies on the Lorentz force of magnetic flux. A detailed analysis of how the magnetic flux density affects blow-out is an important issue. Toward this, we experimentally investigated the relationship between magnetic flux density and arc duration time. In this experiment, the magnetic flux density was varied in the range of 1.2 to 150 mT, the source voltages used were DC 100, 300, and 500 V, and the current was set at a constant 10 A. The opening speed of the contact was three patterns of 10, 50, and 100 mm/s, and the contact material used was tungsten. Arc duration and arc energy were measured from the voltage /current waveform and power waveform of the arc discharge.The arc duration was found to be almost inversely proportional to the increase in magnetic flux density. Furthermore, the arc duration decreased by 80% or more with a magnetic flux density of 10 mT relative to when there was no magnetic field. The arc at the initial stage was constrained between the electrical contacts. When the gap length, which depended on the magnetic flux density, was reached, the arc discharge rapidly moved to the outside by magnetic blow-out. Therefore, we defined the time during which the arc discharge was restricted as tr. The time at which the arc voltage abruptly increased immediately before the arc extinguishment was defined as the sudden change time ts. Understanding the relationships among magnetic flux density, tr, and ts is essential for clarifying the effective magnetic flux density needed to extinguishing arcs.
机译:对于太阳能发电和电动汽车(EV)等应用,通断式直流电源电路的使用正在迅速增加。但是,在电路内部,难以熄灭电触点断开时产生的电弧。一种解决方案是使用所谓的“磁吹”方法,该方法依赖于磁通量的洛伦兹力。磁通密度如何影响爆燃的详细分析是一个重要的问题。为此,我们通过实验研究了磁通密度和电弧持续时间之间的关系。在该实验中,磁通密度在1.2至150 mT的范围内变化,使用的源电压为DC 100、300和500 V,电流设置为恒定的10A。触点的打开速度10、50和100 mm / s的三种模式,所用的接触材料是钨。从电弧放电的电压/电流波形和功率波形测量电弧持续时间和电弧能量,发现电弧持续时间与磁通密度的增加几乎成反比。而且,相对于没有磁场的情况,在磁通密度为10mT的情况下,电弧持续时间减少了80%以上。初始阶段的电弧被限制在电触点之间。当达到取决于磁通量密度的间隙长度时,电弧放电通过磁吹迅速移到外部。因此,我们将限制电弧放电的时间定义为tr。将即将灭弧之前电弧电压突然增加的时间定义为突变时间ts。了解磁通量密度,tr和ts之间的关系对于阐明熄灭电弧所需的有效磁通量密度至关重要。



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