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Automation of traumatic brain injury diagnosis through an IoT-based embedded systems framework




Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) is a prevalent cause of death and disability with over 3.8 million annual cases and 130 daily deaths in the United States alone. Whenever athletes suffer head trauma, concussion field tests that measure their perceptiveness and cognitive abilities are commonly administered. However, these tests have limited accuracy due to the lack of quantitative data basing the diagnosis, and often those administering concussion tests feel pressured to keep athletes playing in the game despite cognitive impairment. To solve this, an inexpensive diagnostic helmet targeting youth sports teams was created, providing quantitative data regarding how much head trauma an athlete has experienced. The helmet is connected to a web-based application system that stores real time data regarding the impact of the head injury, the region of the brain impacted, the time of injury, and speed at which the injury occurred, allowing for the design of more patient-tailored treatment plans. The device and web application were programmed using JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and the Node.js platform in the Intel Edison IoT IDE. Once the force sensitive resistors register an impact significant enough to cause a concussion based upon an algorithm that takes into consideration the player's height and weight, a text message is automatically sent to local paramedics through the Twilio API. This device therefore removes existing bias involved in diagnostics, allows doctors to more accurately handle injuries, and helps ensure player safety.
机译:颅脑外伤(TBI)是导致死亡和致残的普遍原因,仅在美国,每年就有380万例以上的病例和130例每日死亡。每当运动员遭受头部外伤时,通常都会进行震荡野外测验,以测量其知觉和认知能力。但是,由于缺乏基于诊断的定量数据,这些测试的准确性受到限制,尽管进行了脑震荡测试,但尽管存在认知障碍,但经常给那些进行脑震荡测试的人施加压力,使他们继续比赛。为了解决这个问题,制造了一种针对青年运动队的廉价诊断头盔,该头盔可提供有关运动员头部遭受多少创伤的定量数据。头盔连接到基于Web的应用程序系统,该系统存储有关头部受伤的影响,受影响的大脑区域,受伤的时间以及受伤发生的速度的实时数据,从而可以设计更多量身定制的治疗计划。该设备和Web应用程序是使用Intel Edison IoT IDE中的JavaScript,HTML,CSS和Node.js平台进行编程的。一旦力敏感电阻器根据考虑到玩家身高和体重的算法记录了足以引起脑震荡的​​冲击,便会通过Twilio API将文本消息自动发送给本地医护人员。因此,该设备消除了诊断中现有的偏见,使医生能够更准确地处理伤害,并有助于确保球员安全。



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