首页> 外文会议>2019 IEEE/ACM 41st International Conference on Software Engineering: New Ideas and Emerging Results >Biofeedback Augmented Software Engineering: Monitoring of Programmers' Mental Effort

Biofeedback Augmented Software Engineering: Monitoring of Programmers' Mental Effort


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This paper presents emergent experimental results showing that mental effort of programmers in code understanding tasks can be monitored through HRV (heart rate variability) using non-intrusive wearable devices. Results suggest that HRV is a good predictor for cognitive load when analyzing code and HRV results are consistent with the mental effort perceived by programmers using NASA-TLX. Furthermore, code complexity metrics do not correlate entirely with mental effort and do not seem a good indicator of the subjective perception of complexity felt by programmers. These first results are presented in the context of the project BASE-Biofeedback Augmented Software Engineering, which is briefly sketched, and proposes a radical neuroscience enabled approach to introduce biofeedback in software development
机译:本文提供了一些新兴的实验结果,这些结果表明,程序员可以使用非侵入式可穿戴设备通过HRV(心率变异性)来监视程序员在代码理解任务上的精力。结果表明,在分析代码时,HRV是认知负荷的良好预测指标,HRV结果与使用NASA-TLX的程序员所付出的精神努力一致。此外,代码复杂性指标并不完全与精力相关,并且似乎不能很好地表明程序员对复杂性的主观感知。这些最初的结果在简要概述的BASE-Biofeedback Augmented Software Engineering项目的背景下进行了介绍,并提出了一种以神经科学为基础的方法,旨在将Biofeedback引入软件开发中。



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