首页> 外文会议>hydrology in a changing world: environmental and human dimensions >'Blue-green' corridors as a tool for erosion and stream control in highly urbanized areas - case study of Belgrade city

'Blue-green' corridors as a tool for erosion and stream control in highly urbanized areas - case study of Belgrade city


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Highly urbanized areas constantly need new surfaces for building of commercial, residential or infrastructure objects. Belgrade, the capital of Serbia, is a large regional centre with a population of 2 000 000 dwellers, covering a territory of 3500 km~2. The territory of Belgrade is intersected by 187 streams, with watersheds mostly rural in higher parts, urbanized and highly urbanized in lower parts. Torrential floods that once occurred rarely during pre-development period have now become more frequent and destructive due to the transformation of the watershed from rural to urban land uses. Authorities of Belgrade defined a strategy for erosion control and protection from torrential floods, based on the restoration of "blue-green" corridors (residuals of open streams and fragments of forest vegetation). The restoration of "blue-green" corridors helps the establishment of new recreational areas, the preservation of biodiversity and the mitigation of effects of climate change.
机译:高度城市化的地区不断需要新的表面来建造商业,住宅或基础设施物体。塞尔维亚的首都贝尔格莱德是一个大型的区域中心,人口达200万,覆盖面积3500 km〜2。贝尔格莱德的领土与187条河流相交,流域大部分在较高地区为农村,在较低地区为城市化和高度城市化。由于分水岭从农村土地用途向城市土地用途的转变,曾经在开发前很少发生的洪灾现在变得更加频繁和更具破坏性。贝尔格莱德当局在恢复“蓝绿色”走廊(开放河流的残留物和森林植被碎片)的基础上,制定了控制侵蚀和防止洪灾的策略。恢复“蓝绿色”走廊有助于建立新的休闲区,保护生物多样性和减轻气候变化的影响。



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