
The Astronomy of Peruvian Huacas


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The Incas honored and venerated many features of both natural and man-made landscapes that they felt to be endowed with superhuman powers. In Quechua these shrines were known as huacas, and at the time of the Spanish conquest there were thousands of them. Soon after invading the Incan homeland the Spaniards began a campaign against the indigenous religion that included a systematic eradication of huacas. Shrines that were large carved stones and outcroppings survived, however, and form part of our study. A number of these were found to have astronomical meaning, marking events such as solstices and equinoxes. Water channels are associated with the majority of astronomical huacas. Ritual stairways are also common features, symbolizing shamanic movement between the three worlds of Incan cosmology. The Incas built as many as 16 pillars on the horizons of Cusco to mark the positions of the rising or setting Sun on significant dates of the year. All were destroyed. Two pillars above the modern village of Urubamba that escaped the Spanish purge mark the rising Sun at June solstice as viewed from a large granite boulder in the center of the courtyard of the palace of Huayna Capac. Viewed also from the boulder, in the direction of the December solstice sunrise we have located stone structures on the distant summit of Cerro Unoraqui. The major axis of the courtyard of the palace is oriented approximately toward Cerro Unoraqui.
机译:印加人尊重并尊敬自然和人造景观的许多特征,他们认为它们具有超人的力量。在盖丘亚州,这些神社被称为瓦卡斯(huacas),在西班牙征服之时,有成千上万的神社。西班牙人入侵印加家园后不久,便发起了一场反对土著宗教的运动,其中包括系统地消灭瓦卡斯。但是,由大型雕刻石头和露头制成的神社幸存下来,并构成了我们研究的一部分。发现其中许多具有天文意义,标志着诸如胶质和春分之类的事件。水道与大多数天文槐树有关。仪式楼梯也是常见的特征,象征着印加宇宙学三个世界之间的萨满运动。印加人在库斯科(Cusco)的地平线上建造了多达16根柱子,以纪念一年中重要日期升起的太阳或落日的位置。所有被摧毁。从Huayna Capac宫殿庭院中央的大型花岗岩巨石上看,乌鲁班巴(Urubamba)现代村庄上方的两根柱子避开了西班牙的吹扫,标志着冬至日升起的太阳。从巨石上看,在十二月至日日出的方向上,我们在远处的塞罗·乌诺拉奎山顶上找到了石头结构。宫殿庭院的长轴大致朝向塞罗·乌诺拉奎(Cerro Unoraqui)。



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