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Novel Device Concepts for Nanotechnology : The Nanowire Pinch-Off FET and Graphene TunnelFET


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We explain the basic operation of a nanowire pinch-off FET and graphene nanoribbon tunnelFET. For the nanowire pinch-off FET we construct an analytical model to obtain the threshold voltage as a function of radius and doping density. We use the gradual channel approximation to calculate the current-voltage characteristics of this device and we show that the nanowire pinch-off FET has a subthreshold slope of 60 mV/dec and good Iox and Ion/Ioff ratios. For the graphene nanoribbon tunnelFET we show that an improved analytical model yields more realistic results for the transmission probability and hence the tunneling current. The first simulation results for the graphene nanoribbon tunnelFET show promising subthreshold slopes.
机译:我们解释了纳米线夹断FET和石墨烯纳米带隧道FET的基本操作。对于纳米线夹断式FET,我们构建了一个分析模型以获得阈值电压,该阈值电压是半径和掺杂密度的函数。我们使用渐进的通道近似来计算该器件的电流-电压特性,并证明纳米线夹断FET的亚阈值斜率为60 mV / dec,并且Iox和Ion / Ioff比率良好。对于石墨烯纳米带隧穿FET,我们表明,改进的分析模型对于传输概率以及隧穿电流产生了更实际的结果。石墨烯纳米带隧道FET的第一个模拟结果显示了有希望的亚阈值斜率。



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