首页> 外文会议>Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM 2011), 2011 IEEE >Software Defined Radio Implementation of SMSE Based Overlay Cognitive Radio in High Mobility Environment

Software Defined Radio Implementation of SMSE Based Overlay Cognitive Radio in High Mobility Environment




A spectrally modulated spectrally encoded (SMSE) based overlay cognitive radio has been implemented and demonstrated in [1] via GNU software define radio (SDR). However, like most of the current cognitive radio implementations and demonstrations, this work does not consider the mobility between cognitive radio nodes. In a high mobility environment, the frequency offset introduced by Doppler shift leads to loss of the orthogonality among subcarriers. As a direct result, severe inter-carrier interference (ICI) and performance degradation is observed. In our previous work, we have proposed a new ICI cancellation method (namely Total ICI Cancellation) for OFDM [2] and MC-CDMA [3] mobile communication systems, which eliminates the ICI without lowering the transmission rate nor reducing the bandwidth efficiency. In this paper, we apply the total ICI cancellation algorithm onto the SMSE base overlay cognitive radio to demonstrate a high performance cognitive radio in high mobility environment. Specifically, we demonstrate an SMSE based overlay cognitive radio that is capable of detecting primary users in real time and adaptively adjusting its transmission parameters to avoid interference to (and from) primary users. When the primary user transmission changes, the cognitive radio dynamically adjusts its transmission accordingly. Additionally, this cognitive radio maintains seamless real time video transmission between the cognitive radio pair even when large frequency offset is introduced by mobility between CR transmitter and receiver.
机译:[1]中已通过GNU软件定义无线电(SDR)实现并演示了基于频谱调制的频谱编码(SMSE)的叠加认知无线电。但是,像当前大多数认知无线电实现和演示一样,这项工作并未考虑认知无线电节点之间的移动性。在高移动性环境中,由多普勒频移引入的频率偏移导致子载波之间的正交性损失。直接的结果是,观察到严重的载波间干扰(ICI)和性能下降。在我们之前的工作中,我们为OFDM [2]和MC-CDMA [3]移动通信系统提出了一种新的ICI消除方法(即,总ICI消除),该方法消除了ICI,而不会降低传输速率或降低带宽效率。在本文中,我们将总ICI抵消算法应用于SMSE基本覆盖认知无线电,以证明在高移动性环境中的高性能认知无线电。具体而言,我们演示了基于SMSE的覆盖认知无线电,该无线电能够实时检测主要用户并自适应地调整其传输参数,以避免干扰(和来自)主要用户。当主要用户传输发生变化时,认知无线电会相应地动态调整其传输。此外,即使CR发射器和接收器之间的移动性引入了较大的频率偏移,该认知无线电设备仍可维持认知无线电设备对之间的无缝实时视频传输。



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