
Ion orbits in electron shading damage


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In Hashimoto's' hypothetical mechanism for electron shading damage, the photoresist at the tops of trenches and vias collects a negative charge from the thermal electrons, creating an electric field (E-field) which prevents electrons from reaching the trench bottom, where a "collector" is located. The ions, accelerated by the sheath electric field, are driven straight into the trench and impinge on the collector, charging it positive if it is isolated. The electric fields inside the trench can also deflect the ions into the sidewalls, causing notching and other deformations of the etch profile The present effort aims to test the hypothesis by scaling the submicron features to macroscopic size so that the currents and potentials inside the trench can be measured and compared with computations. This paper concerns the theoretical part of the work; namely, self-consistent computations of the E-fields and ion orbits inside the trenches.
机译:在Hashimoto假设的电子遮蔽损伤机理中,沟槽和过孔顶部的光刻胶从热电子中收集负电荷,从而产生电场(电场),防止电子到达沟槽底部,在此处收集器“ 位于。被鞘电场加速的离子被直接驱动进入沟槽并撞击在集电极上,如果被隔离则将其带正电。沟槽内的电场还会使离子偏转到侧壁,从而引起刻蚀轮廓的开槽和其他变形。目前的工作旨在通过将亚微米特征缩放到宏观尺寸来检验假设,以便沟槽内的电流和电势可以被测量并与计算进行比较。本文涉及工作的理论部分;即,对沟槽内部的电场和离子轨道进行自洽计算。



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