
Impact of Land Use Changes on Runoff of Taihu Basin in China


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Taihu Basin is one of the most developed regions in China, and land use has had a great change since last 20 years. Based on 1:10000 airscape photo, land use in Taihu basin was interpreted of 1986 and 1996.Land use characters are analyzed in this paper. Runoff of 1986 and 1996 were calculated using precipitation from May to September of 1991. It is found: 1.The land use changed greatly in the Taihu basin during 1986~1996. Cultivated land decreased by 3385km2, construction area increased by 2460km2. 2. Spatial distribution of land use is different in Taihu Basin. With higher GDP per capita and density population, land use has bigger changes than in other regions; 3. Land use changes have increased runoff from precipitation greatly. Compare to 1986, runoff has increased by 10*108m3 in 1996 if 1991 precipitation was used. Runoff increased much more in upper reaches than in lower reaches; 4. These calculated results are corresponding with high water levels of Taihu Lake in 1990s
机译:太湖流域是中国最发达的地区之一,过去20年以来土地利用发生了巨大变化。基于1:10000的空中景观照片,分别对1986年和1996年的太湖流域土地利用进行了解释。利用1991年5月至9月的降水量计算了1986年和1996年的径流。结果表明:1。1986〜1996年太湖流域土地利用变化很大。耕地减少3385平方公里,建筑面积增加2460平方公里。 2.太湖流域土地利用的空间分布不同。随着人均国内生产总值和人口密度的提高,土地利用的变化比其他地区更大。 3.土地用途的变化大大增加了降雨带来的径流。与1986年相比,如果使用1991年的降水量,1996年的径流量增加了10 * 108m3。上游的径流增加量比下游的增加得多。 4.这些计算结果与1990年代太湖高水位相对应



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