首页> 外文会议>International conference of GIS and Remote Sensing in hydrology, water resources and environment;ICGRHWE >The Contribution of Shallow Geohysical Investigations in Delineating the Hydrogeological Model for the Shallowaquifer in Wadi El Natrun Area, Western Desert,Egypt

The Contribution of Shallow Geohysical Investigations in Delineating the Hydrogeological Model for the Shallowaquifer in Wadi El Natrun Area, Western Desert,Egypt


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Wadi El Natrun area is located at the western part of the Nile Delta, about 86 km northwest of Cairo city, parallel to Cairo-Alexandria desert road. This area belongs to the arid zones, where the groundwater is considered the main water source. rnThe present work deals with the building of the hydrogeological model of the study area based on the available hydrogeological data and the obtained geophysical results
机译:Wadi El Natrun地区位于尼罗河三角洲的西部,距开罗市西北约86公里,与开罗-亚历山大沙漠路平行。该地区属于干旱地区,那里的地下水被认为是主要的水源。 rn本工作基于可用的水文地质数据和获得的地球物理结果,建立研究区的水文地质模型



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