
Drinking water quality assessment: lessons learnt from Ogun State, Nigeria


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A drinking Water Quality Assessment survey was carried out in Ogun State Nigeria in 2009. Therncollected water samples were analysed in the laboratory to determine compliance with the NigerianrnStandard for Drinking Water Quality (NSDWQ) and the WHO Guideline Values (WHO GLV). Resultsrnfrom the Study showed that high Coliform counts were recorded in many sampled sites. Only 7%rncompliance was recorded for the total number of samples, which needs further investigation. The pHrncompliance was 10%. In most areas of the State, pH range varied from 4.4 to 6.4 while Arsenic recordedrn100% compliance. There was 100% compliance for Nitrate and heavy metals such as Chromium,rnCadmium and Lead. Iron had 86.4% compliance ranging from 0.34mg/l -2.88mg/l. The Lessons learnedrnwere that Drinking Water Quality assessment is intensive and expensive but valuable in building therncapacity of the all collaborating water organizations. It has also generated a need for revalidation studyrnto reconfirm the level of some contaminant in some specific locations that fall short in the sanitary riskrnassessment scores.
机译:2009年在尼日利亚奥贡州进行了饮用水水质评估调查。在实验室对收集的水样进行了分析,以确定其是否符合尼日利亚饮用水水质标准(NSDWQ)和WHO准则值(WHO GLV)。该研究的结果表明,在许多采样点中都记录了高大肠菌群计数。记录的样本总数仅为7%,有待进一步调查。 pH值符合率为10%。在该州的大多数地区,pH值范围从4.4到6.4不等,而砷记录的达标率为100%。硝酸盐和重金属(例如铬,镉,镉和铅)的合规性为100%。铁的顺应性为86.4%,范围为0.34mg / l -2.88mg / l。吸取的教训是,饮用水水质评估是密集而昂贵的,但对于建立所有合作水务组织的能力而言却是宝贵的。它也引起了重新验证研究的需要,以重新确认某些特定地点的某些污染物的水平,而这些地点的卫生风险评估得分均未达到要求。


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