首页> 外文会议>Frontiers in ultrafast optics: biomedical, scientific, and industrial applications XIII >Femtosecond optical transfection as a tool for genetic manipulation of human embryonic stem cells

Femtosecond optical transfection as a tool for genetic manipulation of human embryonic stem cells


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We demonstrate the use of femtosecond optical transfection for the genetic manipulation of human embryonic stem cells. Using a system with an SLM combined with a scanning mirror allows poration of both single-cell and colonyformed human embryonic stem cells in a rapid and targeted manner. In this work, we show successful transfection of plasmid DNA tagged with fluorescent reporters into human embryonic stem cells using three doses of focused femtosecond laser. A significant number of transfected cells retained their undifferentiated morphological feature of large nucleus with high nucleus to cytoplasmic ratio, 48h after photoporation. Furthermore, DNA constructs driven by different types of promoters were also successfully transfected into human embryonic stem cells using this technique.



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