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Fire effects on soil water dynamics in a Mediterranean shrubland


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With the purpose of studying the effects of fire on the natural dynamics of soil water,rnan experiment was set in a Mediterranean shrubland in Central West Portugal. Soil moisturernwas measured in two closely located plots at six depths down to 170 cm, during 2000 (referencernperiod) and after an experimental fire set on one of the plots in June 2001 (treatment period).rnMoisture differences between homologous days (I) of the treatment and the reference periodsrnwere computed both for the control (Dci) and for the burned (Dbi) plots. Results showed significantlyrnhigher values of Dbi both at the dry and at the rainy seasons. Values of Dci were subtractedrnfrom Dbi in order to estimate the net effect of fire on soil water storage (Si). Values of Sirnshowed a maximum of 108.2 mm in the dry season and a maximum of 145.2 mm in thernrainy season. At the upper soil layers values of Si decreased as vegetation recovery proceededrnalong the dry season.
机译:为了研究火对土壤水自然动力学的影响,在葡萄牙中西部的地中海灌木丛中进行了rnan实验。在2000年(参考期)和2001年6月对其中一个地块进行实验性大火(处理期)之后,在两个深至170厘米的深度处的两个位置紧密的地块中测量了土壤湿度。同时计算了对照图(Dci)和燃烧图(Dbi)的处理和参考周期。结果表明,在干旱和雨季,Dbi值均明显升高。从Dbi中减去Dci的值,以估算火灾对土壤水分存储(Si)的净影响。 Sirn的值显示在干旱季节最大为108.2毫米,在干旱季节最大为145.2毫米。在整个干旱季节,随着植被的恢复,在上层土壤中硅的含量降低。



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