首页> 外文会议>First international workshop on mobile agents for telecommunication applications(MATA'99) >A Negotiation Approach for Mobile Agents Used in Managing Telecommunication Network Services

A Negotiation Approach for Mobile Agents Used in Managing Telecommunication Network Services


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This paper presents the work done within the MIAMI project, which focus on fundamental challenges concerning management of telecommunications networks, more specifically it focus on the issues involved when multiple mobile agents interact in multiagent systems. The application is an intelligent market place for the MIAMI platform [1], where agents representing different domains of the MIAMI framework cooperate and compete to process sales transactions for their owners. The market place manager acts as a facilitator by giving necessary information to agents and managing communication between agents, and also as a mediator by proposing solutions to agents or stopping them to get into infinite loops bargaining back and forth. The buyer and seller agents range from using hardcoded logic to rule-based inferencing in their negotiation strategies. However these agents must support some communication skills using KQML or FIPA-ACL. So in contrast with other approaches to multiagent negotiation, we introduce an explicit mediator (market place manager) into the negotiation, and we propose a negotiation strategy based on dependence theory [2][3] implemented by our buyers and sellers.
机译:本文介绍了MIAMI项目中完成的工作,该项目侧重于与电信网络管理有关的基本挑战,更具体地说,它着重于多个移动代理在多代理系统中进行交互时所涉及的问题。该应用程序是MIAMI平台的智能市场[1],代表MIAMI框架不同域的代理在这里进行协作并竞争为其所有者处理销售交易。市场经理通过向代理提供必要的信息并管理代理之间的通信来充当促进者,并且通过向代理提出解决方案或阻止他们陷入来回讨价还价的无限循环来充当中介。买方和卖方代理人的谈判策略从使用硬编码逻辑到基于规则的推理不等。但是,这些代理必须支持使用KQML或FIPA-ACL的一些沟通技巧。因此,与其他进行多主体协商的方法相比,我们在协商中引入了显式中介(市场经理),并提出了基于买卖双方实施的依赖理论[2] [3]的协商策略。



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