
On transverse matrix cracking initiation in composite laminates


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This paper reports na experimental work performed to determine the onset of transverse matrix cracking in glass/epoxy laminates, under quasi-static and impact loading. Several experimental techniques were employed to monitor the transverse matrix cracking process: edge replication, acoustic emision and X-ray radiography. Three distinct methods were developed to extract the laminate stress at the onset of transverse matrix cracking, directly from the experimental data: theσ-εmethod, based on the stress-strain curve; theη-σmethod, which relies on the crack density versus stress data; and the N-σ, based on the cumulative acoustic emission events versus stress relationship. All these methods give consistent results and allowed the observation of the stacking sequence effects, as well as the influence of the loading rate, on the laminate stress at the onset of transverse matrix cracking.
机译:本文报道了为确定玻璃/环氧树脂层压板在准静态和冲击载荷下横向基体开裂而进行的实验工作。几种实验技术被用来监测横向基体的开裂过程:边缘复制,声学切割和X射线照相。开发了三种不同的方法来直接从实验数据中提取横向基体开裂时的层合应力:基于应力-应变曲线的σ-ε方法;基于应力-应变曲线的σ-ε方法;基于应力-应变曲线的σ-ε方法;以及基于应力-应变曲线的σ-ε方法。 η-σ方法,取决于裂纹密度与应力数据; N-σ,基于累积声发射事件与应力的关系。所有这些方法给出了一致的结果,并允许观察堆叠顺序效应以及加载速率对横向基体开裂开始时层合应力的影响。



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