首页> 外文会议>Fifth International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications Melbourne, Australia April 1-4, 1997 >Implementation and Evaluation of the Bucket Flattening Omega Network of the Parallel Relational Database Server SDC-II

Implementation and Evaluation of the Bucket Flattening Omega Network of the Parallel Relational Database Server SDC-II


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This paper presents the implementation and performance evaluation of the Bucket Flattening Omega Network of the SDC-II, the Super Database Computer II. The SDC-II is a highly parallel relational database server, which consists of eight data processing modules interconnected by two networks. Parallelism in the parallel relational database processing on the shared nothing architecture would suffer from skewed data distribution and collisions in the interconnection networks. The network of the SDC-II was designed to offer an architectural support of the Bucket Spreading hash join algorithm, which enables the system to have linear performance scalability even with skewed data distributions. The addiitonal functionality introduced into the network can generate a flat bucket distribution, which is essential to the algorithm, while providing almost conflict free routing. Each switching unit of the network is implemented on an FPGA chip, and its performance is evaluated to compare with an implementation without hardware supprot. The evaluation results show that the effective bandwidth of the latter implementation degrades to almost half of the ideal bandwidth, while little degradation is observed with the hardware support during all-to-all communication phase of the algorithm.
机译:本文介绍了SDC-II(超级数据库计算机II)的Bucket Flattening Omega Network的实现和性能评估。 SDC-II是一个高度并行的关系数据库服务器,由两个网络互连的八个数据处理模块组成。无共享体系结构上的并行关系数据库处理中的并行性将遭受数据分布的倾斜和互连网络中的冲突。 SDC-II的网络旨在为Bucket Spreading哈希联接算法提供体系结构支持,这使系统即使在数据分布偏斜的情况下也具有线性性能可扩展性。引入网络的附加功能可以生成扁平桶​​分布,这对于算法至关重要,同时提供几乎无冲突的路由。网络的每个交换单元都在FPGA芯片上实现,并且对其性能进行了评估,以与没有硬件支持的实现进行比较。评估结果表明,后一种实现的有效带宽降到了理想带宽的几乎一半,而在算法的所有通信阶段,硬件支持下观察到的降幅很小。



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