首页> 外文会议>European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology - EUROSPEECH 2003(INTERSPEECH 2003) vol.1; 20030901-04; Geneva(CH) >Evaluation of Quantile Based Histogram Equalization with Filter Combination on the Aurora 3 and 4 Databases

Evaluation of Quantile Based Histogram Equalization with Filter Combination on the Aurora 3 and 4 Databases

机译:在Aurora 3和4数据库上使用滤波器组合评估基于分位数的直方图均衡

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The recognition performance of automatic speech recognition systems can be improved by reducing the mismatch between training and test data during feature extraction. The approach described in this paper is based on estimating the signal's cumulative density functions on the filter bank using a small number of quantiles. A two-step transformation is then applied to reduce the difference between these quantiles and the ones estimated on the training data. The first step is a power function transformation applied to each individual filter channel, followed by a linear combination of neighboring filters. On the Aurora 4 16kHz database the average word error rates could be reduced from 60.8% to 37.6% (clean training) and from 38.0% to 31.5% (multi condition training).
机译:可以通过减少特征提取过程中训练数据与测试数据之间的不匹配来提高自动语音识别系统的识别性能。本文描述的方法基于使用少量分位数估计滤波器组上信号的累积密度函数。然后应用两步变换来减小这些分位数与训练数据上估计的分位数之间的差异。第一步是将功率函数变换应用于每个单独的滤波器通道,然后是相邻滤波器的线性组合。在Aurora 4 16kHz数据库上,平均单词错误率可以从60.8%降低到37.6%(干净训练),从38.0%降低到31.5%(多条件训练)。



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