
From Web Sites to Web Applications: New Issues for Conceptual Modeling


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E-commerce, web-based booking systems, and on-line auction systems are only a few examples that demonstrate how web sites are evolving from essentially read-only information repositories to distributed applications. These new web applications blend navigation and browsing capabilities, common to hypermedia, with "classical" operations (or transactions), common to traditional information systems. The coupling between hypermedia and operational features raises a number of novel modeling issues. Conceptual modeling for web applications is not just the union of two activities performed in isolation - de - signing the operations and designing the hypermedia aspects. Rather, modeling the integration (and interference) of the two facets of design (hypermedia and operations) is the issue. The co-existence of operational and navigational aspects poses several new problems to designers: For example, how do information structures and navigation support operations? How do operations affect information structures and navigation? How do operations and navigation interplay? How are user tasks related to both navigation and operations? The paper discusses these and other questions, and provides a contribution to ward possible solutions, based upon the W2000 design frameswork.
机译:电子商务,基于Web的预订系统和在线拍卖系统仅是几个示例,它们演示了网站如何从本质上只读的信息库发展到分布式应用程序。这些新的Web应用程序将超媒体通用的导航和浏览功能与传统信息系统通用的“经典”操作(或交易)相结合。超媒体和操作功能之间的耦合提出了许多新颖的建模问题。 Web应用程序的概念建模不仅是孤立执行的两个活动的联合-设计操作和设计超媒体方面。而是要对设计的两个方面(超媒体和操作)的集成(和干扰)进行建模。操作和导航方面的共存给设计人员带来了几个新问题:例如,信息结构和导航如何支持操作?操作如何影响信息结构和导航?操作和导航如何相互作用?用户任务与导航和操作如何相关?本文讨论了这些问题和其他问题,并为基于W2000设计框架的病房可能的解决方案做出了贡献。



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