首页> 外文会议>Environmental Permitting Symposium Vol.2 Feb 17-19, 1999, Research Triangle Park, NC >Periodic Monitoring - A Survey of Title V Permits from Several EPA Regions

Periodic Monitoring - A Survey of Title V Permits from Several EPA Regions


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It is important to note that the majority of the Title V permits that were evaluated in this periodic monitoring analysis were issued prior to the EPAs September 15, 1998, periodic monitoring guidance memorandum. Although the permits already issued are not likely to undergo revision to correct deficiencies in periodic monitoring until the permits are renewed or revised, new permits issued by the local permitting authorities are likely to follow the EPAs guidance much more closely than permits issued in the past. For similar sources combusting natural gas, periodic monitoring requirements vary from nothing to daily Method 9 observations. However, the majority of permitting authorities define adequate periodic monitoring somewhere between the two extremes. The concept of developing adequate periodic monitoring for gapped requirements involves an evaluation of a source's emissions, the likelihood of violating the standard, and the reasonableness of potential monitoring options. For the majority of sources, simply documenting limited hours of operation or adherence to a particular operating scenario is not adequate to demonstrate compliance with an applicable requirement. At least some data directly representative of a source's compliance is needed. As specified in the periodic monitoring for many of the Title V permits analyzed in this article, all periodic monitoring does not necessary have to follow EPA test methods. For natural gas fired units, a reasonable middle ground for many sources is a visual observation for opacity made on a weekly or monthly basis. If visible emissions are observed, then additional monitoring is required to demonstrate compliance (Method 9) with the applicable standard. This type of two-tiered approach is adequate to demonstrate compliance with opacity standards without subjecting a source to excessive monitoring, such as daily Method 9 testing. In reviewing the periodic monitoring requirements for general opacity standards in Title V permits issued by various permitting authorities, the differences in interpretation of what constitutes sufficient periodic monitoring is apparent. The depth of periodic monitoring ranges from nonexistent to overly burdensome. Accepting a permit with no periodic monitoring could backfire when the permit comes up for renewal and the public and EPA get a chance to comment. Your goal when negotiating periodic monitoring requirements for a Title V permit should be to simplify and reduce the periodic monitoring to only that which is necessary to reasonably demonstrate compliance with the applicable standard.
机译:重要的是要注意,在此定期监视分析中评估的大​​多数标题V许可是在EPA(定期监视指导备忘录)1998年9月15日之前发布的。尽管在更新或修订许可证之前,不可能对已签发的许可证进行修改以纠正定期监控中的缺陷,但是由地方许可证颁发机构签发的新许可证可能比过去签发的许可证更严格地遵循EPA的指导。对于类似的天然气燃烧源,定期监测的要求从零到每天的方法9观测值都不同。但是,大多数许可机构在两个极端之间的某个位置定义了适当的定期监视。为缺口需求制定适当的定期监测的概念涉及对排放源的排放,违反标准的可能性以及潜在监测方案的合理性进行评估。对于大多数来源,仅记录有限的工作时间或对特定操作方案的遵守情况,不足以证明其符合适用要求。至少需要一些直接表示来源合规性的数据。正如针对本文中分析的许多Title V许可证的定期监视中所指定的那样,所有定期监视都不必遵循EPA测试方法。对于以天然气为燃料的单位,每周或每月对不透明性进行目视观察是许多来源的合理中间立场。如果观察到可见排放,则需要进行额外的监测以证明符合适用标准(方法9)。这种类型的两层方法足以证明其符合不透明度标准,而无需进行过多的监视,例如每天进行方法9测试。在审查由各种许可当局颁发的标题V许可中对一般不透明度标准的定期监视要求时,在构成充分的定期监视的解释上存在明显差异。定期监视的深度从不存在到过于繁重。接受没有定期监视的许可证可能会适得其反,因为许可证需要续签,公众和EPA都有机会发表评论。在商定V头许可证的定期监测要求时,您的目标应该是简化和减少定期监测,使其仅减少为合理证明符合适用标准所必需的监测。



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