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Hyperspectral IR polarimetry with applications in demining and unexploded ordnance detection


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Abstract: Several years of effort in IR polarimetry have broughtus convincing evidence of its effectiveness indifferentiating man made objects from naturalbackgrounds. Adding modern focal plane array (FPA)technology (either cooled or uncooled) makes itpossible to combine the benefits of polarimetry withthe power of hyperspectral imaging. Aerodyne Researchis embarked on a stepwise, controlled-risk developmentprogram with the objective of fielding an innovativeand affordable hyperspectral imaging IR polarimeter.Proof-of-concept demonstrations are conducted for eachsignificant technology increment as part of theprototype development effort. These steps, twodemonstrated and two yet to be demonstrated, are: (1)LWIR (non-imaging) Spectral Polarimeter to demonstratethe effectiveness of combined polarimetric andhyperspectral discriminating capabilities inobservations on static scenes; (2) LWIR Uncooled FPAImaging (broadband) Polarimeter to test the sensitivityof an affordable Uncooled FPA in a broadbandconfiguration against static scenes; (3) MultispectralImaging Polarimeter to quantify clutter rejectionperformance improvements to be realized inmultispectral polarimetry; and (4) HyperspectralImaging IR Polarimeter designed with optimal spatialand spectral resolution and sufficient throughput toachieve the reliable performance required in surfacemine and UXO detection applications. Results from theongoing proof-of- concept demonstrations in simulatedsurface mine detection will be presented. !28
机译:摘要:红外旋光仪方面的多年努力已经为我们提供了令人信服的证据,证明其在区分自然背景下的人造物体方面的有效性。添加现代焦平面阵列(FPA)技术(冷却或不冷却)使得可以将偏振测量的优势与高光谱成像的功能相结合。 Aerodyne Researchis开展了分阶段的,受控风险的开发计划,目标是部署一种创新且价格合理的高光谱成像红外旋光仪。作为原型开发工作的一部分,对每种重要的技术增量都进行了概念验证。这些步骤有两个,还有两个尚待证明:(1)LWIR(非成像)光谱偏振仪,用于在静态场景下观察结合偏振和高光谱判别能力的有效性; (2)LWIR非制冷FPAI成像(宽带)旋光仪,用于测试价格合理的非制冷FPA在宽带配置中对静态场景的灵敏度; (3)MultispectralImaging旋光仪用于量化杂波抑制性能,以提高在多光谱偏振仪中的性能; (4)高光谱成像红外旋光仪,具有最佳的空间和光谱分辨率,并具有足够的通量,可实现地雷和UXO检测应用所需的可靠性能。将介绍模拟地雷探测中进行中的概念验证示范的结果。 !28


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