
Patterns of Business Rules to Enable Agile Business Processes




A problem of today''s standard Business Process (BP) automation systems is that they are too rigid to cope with changing business demands, especially for long running BPs. A solution to overcome this problem is to combine BPs with Business Rules (BR). State of the art BP automa- tion systems are based on Web Service (WS) technology and use WS composition languages, for example BPEL, for ab- stract and executable BPs. On the other hand, most of to- day''s implementations use BRs mostly to make calculations and to adapt simple decisions to business users without full integration into a BP automation system. We will show that BP execution and BR functionality can be integrated properly in a standard service oriented archi- tecture. This finding will be applied in a new approach of configuring BPs through using BRs. The assumption is that if one considers BRs already while modeling a BP, more ad- vanced BP aspects like decisions, data constraints and con- trol flow can be made agile and adaptive during run-time. We present multiple solutions demonstrating how BRs can be used to obtain different aspects of BP agility. Described as BP Modeling Patterns, our solutions give insight on how agile BPs can be implemented with current BP automation technology. We implemented them using IBM WebSphere Integration Developer and IBM WebSphere Process Server.
机译:当今标准的业务流程(BP)自动化系统的问题在于,它们过于僵化,无法应对不断变化的业务需求,尤其是对于长期运行的BP。解决此问题的一种解决方案是将BP与业务规则(BR)结合在一起。最新的BP自动化系统基于Web服务(WS)技术,并使用WS组合语言(例如BPEL)来抽象和可执行BP。另一方面,当今的大多数实现都主要使用BR来进行计算并根据业务用户调整简单的决策,而无需完全集成到BP自动化系统中。我们将证明BP执行和BR功能可以正确地集成在面向服务的标准体系结构中。此发现将应用于通过使用BR配置BP的新方法中。假设是,如果在对BP建模时已经考虑了BR,则可以在运行时使诸如决策,数据约束和控制流之类的更高级BP方面变得敏捷和自适应。我们提供了多种解决方案,展示了如何使用BR来获得BP敏捷性的不同方面。被描述为BP建模模式,我们的解决方案提供了有关如何使用当前BP自动化技术实现敏捷BP的见解。我们使用IBM WebSphere Integration Developer和IBM WebSphere Process Server实施了它们。



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