首页> 外文会议>Eleventh Conference on Sensors and Their Applications Sep, 2001 London, UK >Technology Advances and the Current State of Petri Net-Based Condition Monitoring

Technology Advances and the Current State of Petri Net-Based Condition Monitoring


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This paper reports on a hybrid approach, utilising controller signals and key sensor signals, as developed by the condition monitoring research group at Cardiff University. Petri Net models provide the monitoring and tracking of such inputs. Research, originally focussed on machine tool condition monitoring, and currently applied to a range of machines and processes, whose sequence is controlled, for example, by a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) or Computer Numeric Controller (CNC), is reported. The paper further reports on technology advances that will facilitate the implementation of such condition monitoring philosophies, and that will accommodate the trend toward remote monitoring requirements.
机译:本文报告了由加的夫大学状态监测研究小组开发的一种利用控制器信号和关键传感器信号的混合方法。 Petri Net模型提供了对此类输入的监视和跟踪。报告了最初专注于机床状态监视的研究,目前已应用于一系列机器和过程,其顺序例如由可编程逻辑控制器(PLC)或计算机数字控制器(CNC)控制。本文进一步报告了技术进步,这些进步将促进这种状态监视理念的实施,并且将适应远程监视需求的趋势。



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