首页> 外文会议>Eleventh Conference on Sensors and Their Applications Sep, 2001 London, UK >Measurement of Solids Concentration in Dilute Phase Particulate Flows Using Digital Imaging Techniques

Measurement of Solids Concentration in Dilute Phase Particulate Flows Using Digital Imaging Techniques


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This paper describes a novel optical instrumentation system capable of measuring the solid concentration of particles within a two-dimensional (2D) dilute phase flow field. The work presented is a precursor to an advanced 3D-instrumentation system based on the same principle. The system consists of a CCD camera, a novel non-coherent pulsed light source and a microcomputer running custom designed image-processing software. Using advanced digital image processing techniques the solid concentration within the flow is extracted. This paper outlines the basic principle of the system and then goes on to present preliminary results that have been obtained. The results demonstrate that the new technique is viable but that further development of processing algorithms is required in order to increase the measurement accuracy for practical applications.



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