
Oxidation Above 3300℃ of Refractory Materials in an Aluminized Flame


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High melting point and oxidation resistance are twin requirements to withstand a flame containing molten alumina at a temperature above 3300℃. The highest melting point materials are tantalum carbide (3985℃) and hafnium carbide (3928℃), but these oxidize to form non-protective molten oxides under typical oxidizing conditions in air. The two phase flow of molten alumina and gases changes the oxidation mechanism. The oxygen for oxidation is supplied by dissociation of a molten alumina film that is formed on deposition surfaces and continually renewed by flow separation. Calculation of the reaction initiation temperature (RIT) was performed by extrapolation of the free energies of formation of the reactants to the appropriate temperatures. Due regard was paid to known and potential phase changes. However, errors in these calculations tend to be similar for all systems so that a correct ranking of corrosion resistance with the RJT would be expected. The value of the RIT was found to correlate inversely with the degree of the attack for HfC, HfC·TaC, TaC, Ta_2C and tungsten. The plot shows tantalum carbide (RIT 3235℃) erodes at 2.3 x 10~(-3) cms/sec whereas graphite (RIT 2240℃) corrodes in excess of 25 x 10~(-3) cms/sec. Tungsten is not oxidized by molten alumina but suffers cavitation. This is believed to be caused by collapse of small clouds of alumina vapor that condense at 3980℃ at a flame pressure.
机译:高熔点和抗氧化性是承受3300℃以上含熔融氧化铝火焰的双重要求。熔点最高的材料是碳化钽(3985℃)和碳化ha(3928℃),但是它们在空气中典型的氧化条件下会氧化形成非保护性熔融氧化物。熔融氧化铝和气体的两相流改变了氧化机理。用于氧化的氧气是通过分解形成在沉积表面并通过流分离不断更新的熔融氧化铝膜来提供的。通过将反应物形成的自由能外推到合适的温度来进行反应起始温度(RIT)的计算。应适当考虑已知和潜在的相位变化。但是,对于所有系统,这些计算中的误差趋于相似,因此可以预期使用RJT进行正确的耐腐蚀等级评定。发现RIT的值与HfC,HfC·TaC,TaC,Ta_2C和钨的侵蚀程度成反比。该图显示碳化钽(RIT 3235℃)以2.3 x 10〜(-3)cms / sec的速度腐蚀,而石墨(RIT 2240℃)腐蚀速率超过25 x 10〜(-3)cms / sec。钨不会被熔融的氧化铝氧化,但会发生气蚀。据认为,这是由于在3980℃的火焰压力下凝结的氧化铝蒸气小云团破裂所致。



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